Attention All Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Managers!
How To Get More Done, Achieve Greater Success Than You Ever Thought Possible And Free Up Time To Do The Things You Want To Do
All Without any extra work, expense or time spent trying to learn complicated new systems
Dear Frustrated Friend
My name is David James and I'd like to welcome you to The Productivity Blueprint
Do you regularly come to the end of the day and wonder where the time went?
Do you set out with lots of good intentions to get things done but struggle to fit everything in and get frustrated by unexpected problems creeping up?
Do you feel both physically and mentally drained in the evening and sometimes unable to find the enthusiasm to do something you enjoy?
If any of this sounds a bit like you then it might give you some comfort (not much - but some) to know that you are certainly not alone.
In fact in today's increasingly busy world:

The #Number 1 problem facing most people, particularly Entrepreneurs and Business Managers is
This is despite the fact that we live in the most technically advanced age in history with companies falling over themselves to tell you about their amazing time-saving gadgets.
Where does your time go?
Why do we struggle so much to achieve the things we know we should do?
Do you recognise any of these thieves of your time?

- Distractions in your workplace
- Not being able to say "No" to people
- Convincing yourself that you are working - when really you are playing
- Failing to plan things properly
- Getting involved in other people's issues
- Checking your phone every five minutes
- Spending time on peripheral issues rather than important ones
- Getting up too late in the morning then rushing to catch up
- Trying to get everything done to perfection
- Having too much on your plate and trying to do it all yourself
Is it any wonder that you struggle to stay on top of things with all these issues just piling up the pressure on you.
Is this how you feel at the end of most days?

- Frustrated that you haven't got everything done
- Stressed by dealing with never-ending problems
- Annoyed with yourself for not hitting targets and missing deadlines
- Fed up with things taking too long and unexpected crises happening
I certainly remember feeling like this many times when I came home after a day working as manager of one of Northern Ireland's busiest community pharmacies.
Having a bad back didn't help much either!
When you work in a retail environment it can sometimes be hard to plan your day because you just never know what is going to come through the door next.
This can often be the case in other businesses too when something like an unexpected phone call can drop a "hot potato" in your lap at the most inconvenient of times.
For many years I took great pride in being able to grow my business by working with my staff to offer exceptional customer service and bring more and more customers into our pharmacy.
However the biggest problem with growing your business this way is that everyone has to work harder to keep up!
Unfortunately you can only keep working harder for so long.
One of my staff memorably described our ever increasing workload as being "like running ever faster on a hamster wheel!

Basically you are working hard but never actually getting anywhere. Eventually you are just going to collapse, exhausted in a heap.
Working harder will only get you so far. You need to learn how to work smarter instead.
Ok, so "Work smarter, not harder" is a bit of a cliche but it is one that can really revolutionise your working life if you learn how to put it into practice.
You can work "Smarter" by learning how to get organised and become more productive.

The Main Problems With Being Unproductive

The very fact that you are reading this letter tells me that you are serious about improving your life and you want to achieve long-term success in both your business and personal life.
The problem is, you are probably using the same basic work, business and management strategies as everyone else who struggles to make things work.
I'm sure at least one of these statements applies to you:
- Most days you work as hard as possible to get all your tasks for the day done
- You frequently start work early or work late to try to finish everything
- You have worked and studied hard to become an expert in your chosen field
- Your days are often filled with "busywork" meaning that important things are often left undone.
- You sometimes feel almost paralysed with indecision due to having too many options.
- You have been frustrated by being set unrealistic targets or felt bad about setting others unrealistic targets
- You feel under constant pressure to do more and more
You see, none of these things are going to make you any more productive. In fact they are more likely to make you feel burnt out and therefore less productive.

Instead, what you need to discover is an effective system or game plan which will allow you to reach the levels of success you dream about and enjoy the lifestyle you want and deserve
How would you like to feel like this at the end of the day?

- Delighted by the amount of work you have achieved that day
- Relaxed because any problem that occurred was easily resolved
- Pleased with yourself for hitting your targets and easily meeting all your deadlines
- Amazed at how much time and energy you have left to do things that you love and enjoy
Of course you would!
I'd like to introduce you to the book which will skyrocket your Productivity both at work and in your personal life. It's called:

Let me give you a taster of some of the Power Packed Productivity Tactics we discuss in the book

You probably know that you should set goals but what goals should you set and how should you do it? Let me show you.

Everyone struggles with procrastination but let me tell you how I beat it and how you will never have to worry about it again.

Time Management
There's never enough time in the day!
There will always be enough time in your day if you implement my Time Management Strategies

Delegation & Outsourcing
Trying to do everything yourself will never work. Learn how to share the load and maximize your productivity

Can you tell the difference between things that are important and those which are vital? Get this right and be amazed at the results

Making decisions can be tough. Making good decisions is even tougher. Use my step-by-step guide to always make the best decisions.
And MUCH MUCH More...
The Productivity Blueprint is a collection of all the best and most effective strategies for MASSIVELY increasing your personal productivity.
It is jam-packed with effective and valuable information, tips and powerful strategies.
This is a success system with practical, "how to" strategies which will bring immediate results
These are tactics and skills that I have learned over many years and successfully implemented myself. They will work for YOU too!
These are the same systems and techniques employed by the world's most successful people. Why would you try to re-invent the wheel? Just copy what successful people do and enjoy success yourself.
By using these methods I have already achieved many of my personal and business goals and started aiming higher than I ever thought possible
Productivity techniques are not taught in schools - there is no degree course in personal productivity.
Why not??
This is an incredibly powerful set of skills which you can use in any kind of business, career or personal venture.
These skills will bring benefits for the rest of your life!
It has been estimated that when you become efficient and productive - other people would need to work up to eighteen hours per day just to match what you do!
Don't settle for "just OK". You can achieve much more than you have so far and it's actually much easier than you might imagine.
Learning how to manage your time can double your productivity which means increased income, more free time, or Both!
Get the goal setting process right and you can achieve in one year what might have previously taken you four or five years - if ever.
This is for you if...
- You want to become "Super-Productive" with the least effort possible
- You want to do more effective work while doing less work overall
- You want to learn how to effectively take action every day
- You want to overcome procrastination and feel enthusiastic about your work
- You want to feel energetic and enjoy life
- You want to earn more money and become more valued by others
- You want to create better results than your competition and faster too
- You want to have more free time and spend it on the things you love
- You want to take back control of your life
- You want to finally learn how to work smarter and not harder
I hope by now you can see how powerful learning these productivity skills can be but maybe you are wondering if The Productivity Blueprint is right for you.
You could probably spend hours online and eventually discover all the skills I will teach you in the book. After weeks or months of trial and error you might even become more productive.
But that entire process is the very definition of unproductive!
Of course there are other books and courses available which can teach you productivity skills but do you really want to plod through dull theory or huge manuals, packed with useless filler material on the topic?
There is no waffle or padding in The Productivity Blueprint - just 87 pages of genuine, effective advice and tips.
Sounds FANTASTIC David!
I understand that "The Productivity Blueprint" will show me the fastest, easiest and most effective ways to become super-productive and free up hours of my time...
But What Else Do I get?
Great Question! I'm glad you asked
Your BONUS : The Power Of Productive Mornings
This is a book I have been working on for some time. I had planned to sell it in it's own right but I've decided instead to give you a free copy to compliment The Productivity Blueprint
It has been shown time and again that the most productive time of the day is the morning.
The Power of Productive Mornings will show you how to use the strategies in The Productivity Blueprint and take them to another level of awesome productivity

Is The Productivity Blueprint for you?
The Productivity Blueprint is for you if you are serious about becoming more productive in your work and personal life.
Some of the people who get most benefit from learning productivity skills include:
- Entrepreneurs
- Business Owners
- Managers
- Coaches
- Team Leaders

The Productivity Blueprint is not suitable for Business Opportunity Junkies or Get Rich Quick dreamers. It is definitely not suitable for lazy people. Sorry - you need to Take Action if you are going to make these techniques work!
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If, at any time during the first 30 days, you aren’t thrilled with The Productivity Blueprint, you’ll receive a full refund. And you can also keep your downloads and Bonus book too! You literally have nothing to lose and the risk is ALL on me, as it should be.
Look - I understand that you may have doubts at this stage
You have probably never heard of me and you have no idea if I actually walk the talk.
This is why I offer my 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you don't think that The Productivity Blueprint is right for you then just let me know and I'll give you a full refund - no questions asked and definitely no hard feelings.
You basically have 2 options at this stage:
You can close this webpage and just move on with something else and get on with your day.
For many years that is exactly what I did. Day after day - the same old thing. I thought I knew what I was doing. After all we are taught that working harder and harder is a sort of virtue!
Alternatively you can hit that "BUY NOW" button and get your copy of The Productivity Blueprint today.
There are very few skills that will take you further, serve you better or make a greater impact on your everyday life than the ability to maximize your productivity.
Your 30-day free-trial copy is ready and waiting for you. Go ahead and order it Now. You take no risk at all and you have everything to gain.
Take Action now and I look forward to helping you achieve greater productivity levels than you ever thought imaginable
You only get one chance at life - so make it count!
Kind Regards

P.S. Remember this is 100% risk-free you’ve got NOTHING to lose and everything to gain!
P.P.S. There are NO up-sells with this product. I don't know about you, but I absolutely hate it when you buy something and then up pops another window to say something like "The product you just bought is good, but to make it really work you need this up-sell at an extra $37" etc.
The Productivity Blueprint contains everything you need and $17 is all you have to pay!